Metroid prime 3 corruption wii trailer
Metroid prime 3 corruption wii trailer

metroid prime 3 corruption wii trailer metroid prime 3 corruption wii trailer

Each planet is shallow and one-note, offering one thing of interest with its own enemies and back story that just ends up being thinly spread. This compounds the fact that by having lots of allies (which the infamous solitary bounty hunter would not have)it robs us of that coveted atmosphere - if Samus could call in the troops at any time, where's the danger? Also, while Corruption attempts to expand the scale of the action by having greater involvement with Samus' ship and other planets, it ironically only serves to shrink it in comparison to the original Prime. If it was going for a more Mass Effect-type space opera, I would understand, but every single character we meet is shallow, boring and poorly fleshed-out. I could appreciate their presence if it was meaningful or emotionally provoking but they're just there to fight later on, with no greater purpose. But Corruption begins in a military base with one dimensional, army stereotypes accompanied by a rag-tag team of fellow bounty hunters.


The appeal to metroid games is the eerie and disturbing atmosphere of wandering alone through hostile territory, free to explore stumbling upon weapons, lore, interesting creatures and enemies. Secondly, Corruption feels more like a transplanted action-shooter than an adventure shooter like all previous metroid games. Overall, playing on the wii marred the experience for me - as it would if I played the previous Primes on it. The reason a classic controller is so effective at drawing you in is because it requires the minimal possible movement in translating thoughts to the screen, heightening immersion. Motion controls take away a great deal of immersion from a game because your brain has to concentrate more on telling your body to perform greater movements, splitting your attention thus inhibiting your immersion when playing the game. And although many favour the ability to point and shoot with the motion controls, as a devoted fan to the previous two Primes I had mastered the gamecube controls, and so stepping into a new control scheme that was less responsive felt like I was playing with my hands in buckets of cement. Often I found myself twisting, turning, thrusting and throwing my wii-mote at the screen as it indicates, yet nothing happens. My initial gripe (this may be just a personal thing) is that the game is on the wii and, for me, is far too unresponsive. I would welcome some feedback on this issue of mine everyone seems to hold this game in the same regards as that of the original Prime - some saying it surpasses it, however I cannot see how from any angle.

Metroid prime 3 corruption wii trailer